Race 5 (593)


Section 1

Placing Horse
Horse Name Jockey Gear Comment
1 9 MIDNIGHT RATTLER (T371) C Y Ho B Broke well, grabbing box seat 2L from leader. Kept tabs to straight, then hard ridden, wearing down rivals to get nose in front on line.
2 5 CALIFORNIA WHIP (A114) M Chadwick TT Began awkwardly, crowded, then worked way forward to lead 1300m before giving away 1150m and tailing leader. Retook lead 300m, kept on strongly but nosed out on line.
3 2 LUCKY YEAR (T245) M F Poon B/TT Pressed forward from outside draw, settling one-out, one-back 3L from leader. Closed in around turn and boxed on strongly in straight only to lose narrowly.
4 10 PEOPLE'S KNIGHT (T305) K Teetan H Jumped with field, not pressed, settling behind midfield close to rail. Swung wide entering straight and finished off strongly to finished a half length from winner.
5 3 WESTERN EXPRESS (A090) J Moreira -- Bumped and unbalanced at start, dropping to rear. Taken 3-wide wide around home turn and to centre track on straightening but finished off only fairly.
6 4 LIMITLESS (A115) U Rispoli H/XB Jumped OK, not pushed, dropping to rear along rail. Started to race fiercely after being checked 1100m, swung very wide into straight, boxed on fairly.
7 7 GONNA RUN (T094) M L Yeung TT Steadied soon after start and shifted across behind runners, settling along fence at the rear. Put under pressure 400m, disappointed for run passing 300m, boxed on one-paced when clear.
8 6 FIGHT HERO (T186) H N Wong H First into stride but unable handle early pace, dropping to midfield. Shuffled back to last around home turn and found nothing when asked in the straight.
9 8 LUCKY GIRL (T355) H T Mo CP Jumped well, pushed forward to lead 1150m. Pulled 2L clear back stretch but overtaken 300m and faded quickly.
B : Blinkers BO : Blinker with one cowl only CC : Cornell Collar CP : Sheepskin Cheek Pieces
CO : Sheepskin Cheek Piece One Side E : Ear Plugs H : Hood P : Pacifier
PC : Pacifier with cowls PS : Pacifier with one cowl SB : Sheepskin Browband SR : Shadow Roll
TT : Tongue Tie V : Visor VO : Visor with one cowl XB : Crossed Nose Band
"1" : First time "2" : Replaced "-" : Removed