The following changes will be applicable for track work and barrier trials during the December period.
1. HKIR Track Work Timetable - The attached HKIR track work timetable will become operational on Saturday, 3 December and remain effective until Sunday, 11 December inclusive.
Please note the following points:
(1) The track opens 4:45am
(2) The track closes for harrowing at 6:40am
(3) The large and small track close at 8:15am
(4) The bridle path closes at 8:15 am and the trotting ring closes at 8:30 am
(5) Official barrier trials (6 Dec) on the All Weather Track commence 8:30am (gate close at 8:15 am), only 1200M start will be offered
(6) No official barrier trials on 9 Dec
(7) Monday & Thursday stalls tests (5 and 8 Dec) will be held at 7:30 am
(8) 1800M Jump-outs opens between 7:00am to 8:00am :
Mon, 5 Dec restricted to horses entered for R/M Wed, 7 Dec, HKIR runners (quota not included) and intended runners for R/M Sun, 11 Dec
Thur, 8 Dec restricted to horses entered for R/M Sun, 11 Dec, HKIR runners (quota not included)
(9) Afternoon gate practice and education inside the trotting ring paddock will not be available on Fri, 9 Dec
(10) The tracks will be open from 08:15am to 08:30am for HKIR runners and their amahs for exclusive All-weather and turf track trackwork except Tuesday, 6 Dec due to All-weather trial. Trainers are strongly encouraged to work their International runners at this time, to facilitate overseas press and visitors viewing of their horses work.
2. Grass Gallops - Local horses entered for any of the International Races can gallop twice on the grass track accompanied by an amah from Saturday, 3 December until Saturday, 10 December inclusive. The grass track will be open between 6:00am - 7:00am and 8:15am - 8:30am, booking is required.
3. December Grass Trials - The December grass trials will be held on Tuesday, 13 December and Griffin trials on Tuesday, 20 December. The usual horse number restrictions for grass trials apply.