The Racing Colours for the following horses have been changed:
Horse Name
Owned by
Racing Colours
Johnny Shum Pui Kay
DARK-GREEN : gold diamond sash, dark-green stripe on gold slvs and cap
PALE-GREEN : yellow diamond sash, pale-green stars on yellow slvs, pale-green stripe on yellow cap
At Owner's request
2016 PPG (A298)
Harris Ma Kwan Hin & Jantzen Ma Chi Sun
RED, YELLOW & BLACK stripes : red chevron on white slvs, white, red & yellow cap
PALE-BLUE & GREEN stripes : pale-blue & black checked with pale-blue hlvd slvs, black chevron on pale-blue cap
At Owner's request
Racing colours for SHALLUCK (A295): EPS file/JPG file
Racing colours for 2016 PPG (A298): EPS file/JPG file