


Gold-standard new car park in Sha Tin Racecourse opens 2 December



The Hong Kong Jockey Club (The Club) will unveil a brand new car park at the Sha Tin Racecourse (STRC) from this Friday, 2 December 2022.


As the latest iconic piece of the HK$7 billion-plus Racecourse Master Plan project that aims to provide customers with unparalleled racecourse experiences, the meticulously designed and purpose-built four-storey new facility (P1 Car Park) located opposite to the Membersˇ¦ Main Entrance (MME) provides additional parking spaces to meet the needs of Owners and Members. It also offers them direct and barrier-free access to Owners and Members facilities in the racecourse. Furthermore, it will improve the traffic flow both within and outside STRC especially at major race-meetings.


With 496 parking spaces all in a convenient location adjacent to the Grandstand I ˇV amounting to nearly a quarter of the total parking provisions for racing purposes ˇV some 60 per cent of the existing incoming traffic on race days are expected to be digressed to P1 Car Park via a direct and smooth route to STRC, thus minimising the previous traffic congestion when approaching the MME. The new P1 Car Park, linked by a dedicated covered footbridge adjoining the Grandstand Hub, will also greatly benefit racegoers with a pleasantly seamless arrival experience.


ˇ§Customer-centricity is a key principle governing our planning and operation. We place high importance to meeting the aspiration of our customers. Over the past 14 years, the Club has continuously invested in its assets and services under the Racecourse Master Plan, averaging over HK$500 million yearly to enhance customersˇ¦ race-going experience. The P1 Car Park, which will increase the covered car park spaces in Sha Tin Racecourse by around 40%, is a latest example of our commitment and effort to meeting the expectations of our Owners and Members whose support is vital to Hong Kongˇ¦s world-class racing,ˇ¨ said Clubˇ¦s Chief Executive Officer Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges.


Owners on race days using the new car park can enjoy a direct journey between P1 Car Park and various Grandstand I venues via a new covered footbridge on 2/F. In the new Hub area on 2/F of Grandstand I at the end of the footbridge, customers will find ease of connectivity with brand new escalators routing to 3/F Owners Box, or down a level to the Parade Ring, Owners Pavilion and Sha Tin Clubhouse. There is also spacious circulation around the Hub area adjacent to the Parade Ring on the 2/F of Grandstand I including barrier-free access to all areas, where customers can enter a foyer area leading them to the Jockey Club Box and betting hall.


ˇ§With a significant number of Owners going to move over to the new P1 Car Park which is more convenient to them, we can also free up more parking spaces in Grandstand II for Members as well as public racegoers who have bookings at our racecourse catering venues,ˇ¨ added Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges.


For racegoers taking taxis, those heading to Member areas will now be guided to use a dedicated taxi drop-off zone on 1/F of P1 Car Park via a new ramp. Members can then take the escalators to the 2/F Footbridge, and enter the racecourse under cover. Taxis carrying passengers for the public areas will continue to use the Grandstand taxi drop-off on the G/F of the P3 Car Park. Details of the new arrangement for parking, pick-up and drop-off are set out in Annex.


Much thought has also gone into the design to promote sustainability. Topping the chart are the 50 parking spaces equipped with Electric Vehicle chargers, which account for 10 per cent of the overall spaces in the new car park. The white facade which minimises heat gain is more energy-efficient, and its curvature blends in perfectly with the giant iconic roof atop the Parade Ring. In addition, the lush green surrounding each floor resembles mini-gardens.


Following the service commencement of P1 Car Park on Friday 2 December, the existing Multi-Storey Car Park of Sha Tin Clubhouse will cease operations on the same day and will be demolished from January 2023 to make way for road alignment improvement works. All non-raceday parking will shift to the designated zone in the P1 Car Park, where 164 spaces can be accessed by Sha Tin Clubhouse users. Members and guests can reach the Clubhouse via a new dedicated pedestrian crossing on the G/F.


The Club thanks racegoers and various stakeholders for their patience throughout the project. As with any changes involving the habit for racegoers and road users, the Club would like to ask for their understanding in case of teething issues. The teams are committed to minimising any inconvenience that may arise in order to bring the best possible user experience for our valued racegoers and customers.

Photos 1, 2

Chief Executive Officer Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges (second right), Director of Property Philip Chen (first right), Director of Racing Operations Claus Weidner (second left) and Executive Manager, Ownership Management and The Racing Club Agnes Chung (first left) of The Hong Kong Jockey Club are pleased that the brand new P1 Car Park will open on 2 December 2022.


Photo 3

The new P1 Car Park smoothens the traffic flow for vehicles entering Sha Tin Racecourse especially on major racedays. Taxis heading to Members area are diverted to a taxi ramp from the G/F of the new car park to dedicated drop-off and pick-up bays on the 1/F.


Feature highlights of new P1 Car Park


Photos 4, 5

The curvy and white new P1 Car Park blends in perfectly with the giant iconic roof atop the Parade Ring. There are also parking guidance indicators and availability signs along the way.


Photo 6

The 50 Electric Vehicle chargers make up 10 per cent of the parking spaces.


Photo 7

The new drop-off and pick-up bays on 1/F for taxis heading to Membersˇ¦ areas


Photo 8

Dedicated covered footbridge connecting the second floors of P1 Car Park and Grandstand I


Photo 9

At the end of the covered footbridge is the spacious circulation around the Hub area on the 2/F of Grandstand I.


Photos 10, 11, 12

Twelve new escalators and three lifts in P1 Car Park and Grandstand I to offer ease of connectivity to various parts of Sha Tin Racecourse.




New arrangement for parking, pick-up and drop-off at Sha Tin Racecourse




(effective 4 December 2022)


(effective 2 December 2022)

Membersˇ¦ private car pick-up and drop-off

Remains at Members Main Entrance

P1 Taxi Area closed

(Remains at Sha Tin Clubhouse entrance for Clubhouse users)

Membersˇ¦ taxis pick-up and drop-off

Relocated to the new P1 Car Park 1/F Members Taxi Stand

Public guestsˇ¦ taxis pick-up and drop-off

Remains at Grandstand Taxi Stand on G/F of P3 Car Park

Membersˇ¦ parking at Sha Tin Clubhouse Multi-storey Carpark

Relocated to the new P1 Car Park

Access between new P1 Car Park and  Sha Tin Clubhouse

Via the new 2/F footbridge

Via the new
G/F pedestrian crossing